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Citation: Eid, Baha and Lhuillier, Florian and Shcherbakov, Valeriy and Shcherbakova, Valentina: Do changes in geomagnetic secular variation, dipole moment and polarity reversal frequency correlate over the past 155 Myr?. 1. March 2022. Open Data LMU. 10.5282/ubm/data.295

Do changes in geomagnetic secular variation, dipole moment and polarity reversal frequency correlate over the past 155 Myr?
Do changes in geomagnetic secular variation, dipole moment and polarity reversal frequency correlate over the past 155 Myr?

Absolute palaeointensity data from the Waja section (North Ethiopia) + latest version of the World Paleointensity Database

Not available
Eid, Baha
Lhuillier, Florian
Shcherbakov, Valeriy
Shcherbakova, Valentina

[thumbnail of Tab. S1: Individual Thellier-Coe results] Microsoft Excel (Tab. S1: Individual Thellier-Coe results)
TableS1.xlsx - Submitted Version

[thumbnail of Tab. S2: Individual pseudo-Thellier results] Microsoft Excel (Tab. S2: Individual pseudo-Thellier results)

[thumbnail of Thellier experiments: measurement-level data] Other (Thellier experiments: measurement-level data)
ThellierData.zip - Submitted Version

[thumbnail of World Paleointensity Database (March 2022): all records] Microsoft Excel (World Paleointensity Database (March 2022): all records)
WPD_all_2022_03.xlsx - Submitted Version

[thumbnail of World Paleointensity Database (March 2022): selection] Microsoft Excel (World Paleointensity Database (March 2022): selection)
WPD_selection_2022_03.xlsx - Submitted Version


DOI: 10.5282/ubm/data.295

This dataset is available unter the terms of the following Creative Commons LicenseCC BY-NC-SA 4.0


Absolute palaeointensity data from the Waja section (North Ethiopia) + latest version of the World Paleointensity Database

Item Type:Data
Contact Person:Lhuillier, Florian
E-Mail of Contact:lhuillier at geophysik.uni-muenchen.de
Subjects:Faculty of Geosciences
Dewey Decimal Classification:600 Natural sciences and mathematics
600 Natural sciences and mathematics > 550 Earth sciences
ID Code:295
Deposited By: PD Dr. Florian Lhuillier
Deposited On:03. Mar 2022 11:59
Last Modified:03. Mar 2022 11:59

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