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Zitation: Tabataba-Vakili, Farsane und Krelle, Lukas und Hoegele, Alexander: Supplementary data for the article "Metasurface of strongly coupled excitons and nanoplasmonic arrays". 16. Juli 2024. Open Data LMU. 10.5282/ubm/data.508

Supplementary data for the article "Metasurface of strongly coupled excitons and nanoplasmonic arrays"
Supplementary data for the article "Metasurface of strongly coupled excitons and nanoplasmonic arrays"

Metasurfaces allow to manipulate light at the nanoscale. Integrating metasurfaces with transition metal dichalcogenide monolayers provides additional functionality to ultrathin optics, including tunable optical properties with enhanced light-matter interactions. In this work, we demonstrate the realization of a polaritonic metasurface utilizing the sizable light-matter coupling of excitons in monolayer WSe$_2$ and the collective lattice resonances of nanoplasmonic gold arrays. We developed a novel fabrication method to integrate gold nanodisk arrays in hexagonal boron nitride and thus simultaneously ensure spectrally narrow exciton transitions and their immediate proximity to the near-field of array surface lattice resonances. In the regime of strong light-matter coupling, the resulting van der Waals metasurface exhibits all key characteristics of lattice polaritons, with a directional and linearly-polarized far-field emission profile dictated by the underlying nanoplasmonic lattice. Our work can be straightforwardly adapted to other lattice geometries, establishing structured van der Waals metasurfaces as means to engineer polaritonic lattices.

two-dimensional semiconductors, plasmonic surface lattice resonance, metasurface, strong-coupling, exciton-plasmon-polaritons, nanoplasmonic array
Tabataba-Vakili, Farsane
Krelle, Lukas
Hoegele, Alexander

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DOI: 10.5282/ubm/data.508

Dieser Datensatz steht unter der Creative Commons Lizenz
CC BY 4.0


Metasurfaces allow to manipulate light at the nanoscale. Integrating metasurfaces with transition metal dichalcogenide monolayers provides additional functionality to ultrathin optics, including tunable optical properties with enhanced light-matter interactions. In this work, we demonstrate the realization of a polaritonic metasurface utilizing the sizable light-matter coupling of excitons in monolayer WSe$_2$ and the collective lattice resonances of nanoplasmonic gold arrays. We developed a novel fabrication method to integrate gold nanodisk arrays in hexagonal boron nitride and thus simultaneously ensure spectrally narrow exciton transitions and their immediate proximity to the near-field of array surface lattice resonances. In the regime of strong light-matter coupling, the resulting van der Waals metasurface exhibits all key characteristics of lattice polaritons, with a directional and linearly-polarized far-field emission profile dictated by the underlying nanoplasmonic lattice. Our work can be straightforwardly adapted to other lattice geometries, establishing structured van der Waals metasurfaces as means to engineer polaritonic lattices.


two-dimensional semiconductors, plasmonic surface lattice resonance, metasurface, strong-coupling, exciton-plasmon-polaritons, nanoplasmonic array

Name der Kontakt­person:Tabataba-Vakili, Farsane
E-Mail der Kontaktperson:f.tabataba at physik.uni-muenchen.de
Dewey Dezimal­klassi­fikation:500 Naturwissenschaften und Mathematik
500 Naturwissenschaften und Mathematik > 530 Physik
ID Code:508
Eingestellt von: Dr. Farsane Tabataba-Vakili
Eingestellt am:18. Jul. 2024 09:02
Letzte Änderungen:22. Jul. 2024 13:52

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