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Citation: LMU Munich, DLR Oberpfaffenhofen, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Rupp, Philip and Loeffel, Sheena and Garny, Hella and Chen, Xiaoyang and Pinto, Joaquim and Birner, Thomas: Scientific data used in "Potential links between tropospheric and stratospheric circulation extremes during early 2020". December 2021. Open Data LMU. 10.5282/ubm/data.281

Scientific data used in "Potential links between tropospheric and stratospheric circulation extremes during early 2020"
Scientific data used in "Potential links between tropospheric and stratospheric circulation extremes during early 2020"

This repository contains post-processed data output from numerical simulations discussed in the scientific publication "Potential links between tropospheric and stratospheric circulation extremes during early 2020".

Not available
Rupp, Philip
Loeffel, Sheena
Garny, Hella
Chen, Xiaoyang
Pinto, Joaquim
Birner, Thomas

[thumbnail of Indices computed for ensemble initialised 01-Feb-2020] Other (Indices computed for ensemble initialised 01-Feb-2020)
indices_01Feb2020.nc - Other

[thumbnail of Indices computed for ensemble initialised 01-Mar-2020] Other (Indices computed for ensemble initialised 01-Mar-2020)
indices_01Mar2020.nc - Other

[thumbnail of Indices computed for ensemble initialised 04-Feb-2020] Other (Indices computed for ensemble initialised 04-Feb-2020)
indices_04Feb2020.nc - Other

[thumbnail of Indices computed for ensemble initialised 04-Mar-2020] Other (Indices computed for ensemble initialised 04-Mar-2020)
indices_04Mar2020.nc - Other

[thumbnail of Indices computed for ensemble initialised 07-Feb-2020] Other (Indices computed for ensemble initialised 07-Feb-2020)
indices_07Feb2020.nc - Other

[thumbnail of Indices computed for ensemble initialised 07-Mar-2020] Other (Indices computed for ensemble initialised 07-Mar-2020)
indices_07Mar2020.nc - Other

[thumbnail of Indices computed for ensemble initialised 10-Jan-2020] Other (Indices computed for ensemble initialised 10-Jan-2020)
indices_10Jan2020.nc - Other

[thumbnail of Indices computed for ensemble initialised 10-Mar-2020] Other (Indices computed for ensemble initialised 10-Mar-2020)
indices_10Mar2020.nc - Other

[thumbnail of Indices computed for ensemble initialised 12-Mar-2020] Other (Indices computed for ensemble initialised 12-Mar-2020)
indices_12Mar2020.nc - Other

[thumbnail of Indices computed for ensemble initialised 16-Jan-2020] Other (Indices computed for ensemble initialised 16-Jan-2020)
indices_16Jan2020.nc - Other

[thumbnail of Indices computed for ensemble initialised 19-Jan-2020] Other (Indices computed for ensemble initialised 19-Jan-2020)
indices_19Jan2020.nc - Other

[thumbnail of Indices computed for ensemble initialised 22-Jan-2020] Other (Indices computed for ensemble initialised 22-Jan-2020)

[thumbnail of Indices computed for ensemble initialised 24-Feb-2020] Other (Indices computed for ensemble initialised 24-Feb-2020)
indices_24Feb2020.nc - Other

[thumbnail of Indices computed for ensemble initialised 24-Jan-2020] Other (Indices computed for ensemble initialised 24-Jan-2020)
indices_24Jan2020.nc - Other

[thumbnail of Indices computed for ensemble initialised 25-Jan-2020] Other (Indices computed for ensemble initialised 25-Jan-2020)
indices_25Jan2020.nc - Other

[thumbnail of Indices computed for ensemble initialised 26-Jan-2020] Other (Indices computed for ensemble initialised 26-Jan-2020)
indices_26Jan2020.nc - Other

[thumbnail of Indices computed for ensemble initialised 28-Jan-2020] Other (Indices computed for ensemble initialised 28-Jan-2020)
indices_28Jan2020.nc - Other

[thumbnail of Indices computed for ensemble initialised 30-Jan-2020] Other (Indices computed for ensemble initialised 30-Jan-2020)
indices_30Jan2020.nc - Other

[thumbnail of Indices computed for ERA5 reanalysis climatologies and year 2020 observations] Other (Indices computed for ERA5 reanalysis climatologies and year 2020 observations)
indices_era5.nc - Other


DOI: 10.5282/ubm/data.281

This dataset is available unter the terms of the following Creative Commons LicenseCC BY-NC-ND 4.0


This repository contains post-processed data output from numerical simulations discussed in the scientific publication "Potential links between tropospheric and stratospheric circulation extremes during early 2020".

Item Type:Data
Contact Person:Rupp, Philip
E-Mail of Contact:philip.rupp at lmu.de
Dewey Decimal Classification:500 Natural sciences and mathematics > 550 Earth sciences
ID Code:281
Deposited By: Dr Philip Rupp
Deposited On:03. Jan 2022 09:51
Last Modified:03. Jan 2022 09:51

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