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Zitation: Gross, Christoph und Ofial, Armin: Kinetic measurements used to determine the electrophilicity of simple δ-functionalized para-quinone methides. 20. März 2025. Open Data LMU. 10.5282/ubm/data.582

Kinetic measurements used to determine the electrophilicity of simple δ-functionalized para-quinone methides
Kinetic measurements used to determine the electrophilicity of simple δ-functionalized para-quinone methides

The zip file contains

txt files with absorbance vs. time data; exp files used for the k(obs) determination; pdf files with results of the k(obs) determination.

Folder and file names CGxxx refer to individual experiments and are identical to those in the Supporting Information (docx/rtf/pdf).

Not available
Gross, Christoph
Ofial, Armin

[thumbnail of raw and evaluated data of kinetics with δ-functionalized para-quinone methides] Other (raw and evaluated data of kinetics with δ-functionalized para-quinone methides)
delta-FG-pQM_Kinetics.zip - Ergänzendes Material


DOI: 10.5282/ubm/data.582

Dieser Datensatz steht unter der Creative Commons Lizenz
CC BY 4.0


The zip file contains txt files with absorbance vs. time data; exp files used for the k(obs) determination; pdf files with results of the k(obs) determination. Folder and file names CGxxx refer to individual experiments and are identical to those in the Supporting Information (docx/rtf/pdf).

Name der Kontakt­person:Ofial, Armin
E-Mail der Kontaktperson:ofial at lmu.de
Fächer:Chemie und Pharmazie
Dewey Dezimal­klassi­fikation:500 Naturwissenschaften und Mathematik
500 Naturwissenschaften und Mathematik > 540 Chemie
ID Code:582
Eingestellt von: Dr. Armin Ofial
Eingestellt am:21. Mrz. 2025 10:11
Letzte Änderungen:21. Mrz. 2025 10:12

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