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Citation: Pöhnlein, Jasmin and Kleber, Felicitas: The emergence of obstruent-intrinsic f0 and VOT as cues to the fortis/lenis contrast in West Central Bavarian. 1. June 2023. Open Data LMU. 10.5282/ubm/data.384

The emergence of obstruent-intrinsic f0 and VOT as cues to the fortis/lenis contrast in West Central Bavarian
The emergence of obstruent-intrinsic f0 and VOT as cues to the fortis/lenis contrast in West Central Bavarian

R scripts and data frames to accompany the conference paper of the same name. The analyses in Pöhnlein, J. & Kleber, F. (2023). The emergence of obstruent-intrinsic f0 and VOT as cues to the fortis/lenis contrast in West Central Bavarian. Proceedings of the 24th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association (INTERSPEECH), Dublin, Ireland are based on the three R script files. The three data files (two txt, one Rdata) contain the corresponding input data that needs to be loaded in R prior to run the respective analysis script.

Not available
Pöhnlein, Jasmin
Kleber, Felicitas

[thumbnail of R script] RData (R script)
CF0_effects.R - Supplemental Material

[thumbnail of Data table, space-separated values] Plain Text (Data table, space-separated values)
CF0_trackdata.txt - Supplemental Material

[thumbnail of R script] RData (R script)
CF0_VOT_correlation.R - Supplemental Material

[thumbnail of Data table, space-separated valued] RData (Data table, space-separated valued)
CF0_VOT_correlation.Rdata - Supplemental Material

[thumbnail of R script] RData (R script)
VOT_effects.R - Supplemental Material

[thumbnail of Data table, space-separated values] Plain Text (Data table, space-separated values)
VOT_landmarks.txt - Supplemental Material


DOI: 10.5282/ubm/data.384

This dataset is available unter the terms of the following Creative Commons LicenseCC BY 4.0


R scripts and data frames to accompany the conference paper of the same name. The analyses in Pöhnlein, J. & Kleber, F. (2023). The emergence of obstruent-intrinsic f0 and VOT as cues to the fortis/lenis contrast in West Central Bavarian. Proceedings of the 24th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association (INTERSPEECH), Dublin, Ireland are based on the three R script files. The three data files (two txt, one Rdata) contain the corresponding input data that needs to be loaded in R prior to run the respective analysis script.

Item Type:Data
Contact Person:Pöhnlein, Jasmin
E-Mail of Contact:jasmin.poehnlein at phonetik.uni-muenchen.de
Subjects:Languages and Literatures
Dewey Decimal Classification:400 Language
400 Language > 410 Linguistics
400 Language > 430 Germanic languages German
ID Code:384
Deposited By: Jasmin Pöhnlein
Deposited On:06. Jun 2023 07:09
Last Modified:06. Jun 2023 12:04

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