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Citation: Würsching, Sabina Noreen and Moser, Luise and Obermeier, Katharina Theresa and Kollmuss, Maximilian: Microleakage and economic efficiency of restorative materials used for temporization of endodontic access cavities. 23. May 2023. Open Data LMU. 10.5282/ubm/data.382

Microleakage and economic efficiency of restorative materials used for temporization of endodontic access cavities
Microleakage and economic efficiency of restorative materials used for temporization of endodontic access cavities

This dataset contains supplementary data for the article: Wuersching, S.N.; Moser, L.; Obermeier, K.T.; Kollmuss, M. Microleakage of Restorative Materials Used for Temporization of Endodontic Access Cavities. J. Clin. Med. 2023, 12, 4762. https://doi.org/10.3390/jcm12144762

Not available
Würsching, Sabina Noreen
Moser, Luise
Obermeier, Katharina Theresa
Kollmuss, Maximilian

[thumbnail of Temporary restoratives data] Microsoft Excel (Temporary restoratives data)
Temporary restoratives data.xlsx - Submitted Version


DOI: 10.5282/ubm/data.382

This dataset is available unter the terms of the following Creative Commons LicenseCC BY-ND 4.0


This dataset contains supplementary data for the article: Wuersching, S.N.; Moser, L.; Obermeier, K.T.; Kollmuss, M. Microleakage of Restorative Materials Used for Temporization of Endodontic Access Cavities. J. Clin. Med. 2023, 12, 4762. https://doi.org/10.3390/jcm12144762

Item Type:Data
Contact Person:Kollmuss, Maximilian
E-Mail of Contact:maximilian.kollmuss at med.uni-muenchen.de
Dewey Decimal Classification:600 Technology, Medicine
ID Code:382
Deposited By: PD Dr. Maximilian Kollmuß
Deposited On:23. Jun 2023 06:17
Last Modified:13. May 2024 10:58

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