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Citation: Budka, Julia: Lists of pottery found in the New Kingdom town of Sai Island, sectors SAV1 East and SAV1 West. 22. February 2021. Open Data LMU. 10.5282/ubm/data.222

Lists of pottery found in the New Kingdom town of Sai Island, sectors SAV1 East and SAV1 West
Lists of pottery found in the New Kingdom town of Sai Island, sectors SAV1 East and SAV1 West

These lists contain the full information of all ceramics excavated during the course of the AcrossBorders project in the New Kingdom town of Sai Island (Sudan) in the sectors SAV1 East and SAV1 West arranged according to year of excavation and stratigraphy.


Es handelt sich um eine komplette Auflistung aller durch das AcrossBorders Projekt in der Stadt des Neuen Reiches auf Sai (Sudan) in den Sektoren SAV1 Ost und SAV1 West ausgegrabenen Keramikfunde. Die Listen sind nach Grabungsjahr und Stratigraphie sortiert.

Sudan, archaeology, ceramics, Sai Island
Budka, Julia

[thumbnail of Complete list of ceramics excavated by the AcrossBorders project in Sai Island, New Kingdom town, sectors SAV1 East and SAV1 West]
PDF (Complete list of ceramics excavated by the AcrossBorders project in Sai Island, New Kingdom town, sectors SAV1 East and SAV1 West)
Budka_Sai Island_AcrossBorders_complete list of ceramics NK Town.pdf - Supplemental Material


DOI: 10.5282/ubm/data.222

This dataset published at "Open Data LMU" is made available under the "ODC-BY" v1.0 whose full text can be found at: http://www.opendatacommons.org/licenses


These lists contain the full information of all ceramics excavated during the course of the AcrossBorders project in the New Kingdom town of Sai Island (Sudan) in the sectors SAV1 East and SAV1 West arranged according to year of excavation and stratigraphy.


Es handelt sich um eine komplette Auflistung aller durch das AcrossBorders Projekt in der Stadt des Neuen Reiches auf Sai (Sudan) in den Sektoren SAV1 Ost und SAV1 West ausgegrabenen Keramikfunde. Die Listen sind nach Grabungsjahr und Stratigraphie sortiert.


Sudan, archaeology, ceramics, Sai Island


Originaldaten aus dem ERC Projekt AcrossBorders von Julia Budka

Item Type:Data
Contact Person:Budka, Julia
E-Mail of Contact:julia.budka at lmu.de
Subjects:Faculty for the Study of Culture
Dewey Decimal Classification:900 History and geography
900 History and geography > 930 History of the ancient world
900 History and geography > 960 General history of Africa
ID Code:222
Deposited By: Prof.Dr. Julia Budka
Deposited On:24. Feb 2021 05:59
Last Modified:24. Feb 2021 06:00

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