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Zitation: Ballhausen, Hendrik und Li, Minglun und Belka, Claus: Prostate intra-fraction motion data recorded by transperineal ultrasound (ProMotion LMU dataset). 9. Juli 2019. Open Data LMU. 10.5282/ubm/data.158

Prostate intra-fraction motion data recorded by transperineal ultrasound (ProMotion LMU dataset)
Prostate intra-fraction motion data recorded by transperineal ultrasound (ProMotion LMU dataset)

Infra-fraction motion of the prostate was recorded during 721 fractions of image guided radiotherapy (IGRT) in 28 patients, 14 of which were treated by intensity modulated radiation therapy (IMRT), and 14 of which were treated by volumetric arc therapy (VMAT).

The prostate was imaged by three-dimensional and time-resolved transperineal ultrasound (4D-US) of type Elekta Clarity. The prostate volume was registered and the prostate position (center of volume) was recorded at a frequency of 1.6 samples per second. This raw data set contains a total of 380.199 prostate and patient couch positions over a time span of 5 hours, 47 minutes and 29 seconds of life radiotherapy as exported by the instrument software.

radiation therapy, prostate, ultrasound, intra-fraction motion, open data
Ballhausen, Hendrik
Li, Minglun
Belka, Claus
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ProMotionLMU.zip - Eingereichte Version

[thumbnail of .csv raw data files as .tar archive] Plain Text (.csv raw data files as .tar archive)
ProMotionLMU.tar - Eingereichte Version


DOI: 10.5282/ubm/data.158

Dieser Datensatz steht unter der Creative Commons Lizenz
CC BY 4.0


Infra-fraction motion of the prostate was recorded during 721 fractions of image guided radiotherapy (IGRT) in 28 patients, 14 of which were treated by intensity modulated radiation therapy (IMRT), and 14 of which were treated by volumetric arc therapy (VMAT). The prostate was imaged by three-dimensional and time-resolved transperineal ultrasound (4D-US) of type Elekta Clarity. The prostate volume was registered and the prostate position (center of volume) was recorded at a frequency of 1.6 samples per second. This raw data set contains a total of 380.199 prostate and patient couch positions over a time span of 5 hours, 47 minutes and 29 seconds of life radiotherapy as exported by the instrument software.


radiation therapy, prostate, ultrasound, intra-fraction motion, open data

Name der Kontakt­person:Ballhausen, Hendrik
E-Mail der Kontaktperson:Hendrik.Ballhausen at med.uni-muenchen.de
URL der Kontaktperson:https://www.med.uni-muenchen.de/forschung
Dewey Dezimal­klassi­fikation:600 Technik, Medizin, angewandte Wissenschaften > 610 Medizin und Gesundheit
ID Code:158
Eingestellt von: PD Dr. Hendrik Ballhausen
Eingestellt am:09. Jul. 2019 08:16
Letzte Änderungen:08. Feb. 2021 16:28

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