Logo Logo

Citation: Becker, Matthias and Bogner, Martin and Bross, Fabian and Bry, François and Campanella, Caterina and Commare, Laura and Cramerotti, Silvia and Jakob, Katharina and Josko, Martin and Kneißl, Fabian and Kohle, Hubertus and Krefeld, Thomas and Levushkina, Elena and Lücke, Stephan and Puglisi, Alessandra and Regner, Anke and Riepl, Christian and Schefels, Clemens and Schemainda, Corina and Schmidt, Eva and Schneider, Stefanie and Schön, Gerhard and Schulz, Klaus and Siglmüller, Franz and Steinmayr, Bartholomäus and Störkle, Florian and Teske, Iris and Wieser, Christoph: ARTigo – Social Image Tagging [Dataset and Images]. 15. November 2018. Open Data LMU. 10.5282/ubm/data.136

ARTigo – Social Image Tagging [Dataset and Images]
ARTigo – Social Image Tagging [Dataset and Images]

ARTigo is a platform that uses crowdsourcing to gather annotations (tags) on works of art (see http://www.artigo.org/). The dataset is compromised of 54.497 objects, which are associated with 18.492 artists (11.519 of which are either anonymous or unknown), 295.343 German-, French-, English-language tags, and 9.669.410 taggings. It is based on a cleansed database dump dated November 15, 2018. The cleansing concerned only the metadata of the objects; tags and taggings are provided „as is“.

A current but uncleansed version of the data is available via a RESTful API at: http://www.artigo.org/api.html.

The data is licensed under Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 4.0. If you are unsure whether your project is a commercial use, please contact us at: hubertus.kohle@lmu.de.

Game With a Purpose, Social Tagging, Digital Humanities, Digital Art History
Becker, Matthias
Bogner, Martin
Bross, Fabian
Bry, François
Campanella, Caterina
Commare, Laura
Cramerotti, Silvia
Jakob, Katharina
Josko, Martin
Kneißl, Fabian
Kohle, Hubertus
Krefeld, Thomas
Levushkina, Elena
Lücke, Stephan
Puglisi, Alessandra
Regner, Anke
Riepl, Christian
Schefels, Clemens
Schemainda, Corina
Schmidt, Eva
Schneider, Stefanie
Schön, Gerhard
Schulz, Klaus
Siglmüller, Franz
Steinmayr, Bartholomäus
Störkle, Florian
Teske, Iris
Wieser, Christoph

[thumbnail of Set of Artists] Plain Text (Set of Artists)
artist.csv - Published Version

[thumbnail of Set of Resources] Plain Text (Set of Resources)
resource.csv - Published Version

[thumbnail of Set of Relations] Plain Text (Set of Relations)
relation.csv - Published Version

[thumbnail of Set of Tags] Plain Text (Set of Tags)
tag.csv - Published Version

[thumbnail of Set of Taggings] Plain Text (Set of Taggings)
tagging.csv - Published Version

[thumbnail of Set of Artists, Resources, Relations, Tags, and Taggings] Other (Set of Artists, Resources, Relations, Tags, and Taggings)
data.rda - Published Version

[thumbnail of Entity-Relationship Diagram] PDF (Entity-Relationship Diagram)
er-diagram.pdf - Supplemental Material

[thumbnail of Set of Images Associated With the Resources] Other (Set of Images Associated With the Resources)
images.z01 - Supplemental Material

[thumbnail of Set of Images Associated With the Resources] Other (Set of Images Associated With the Resources)
images.z02 - Supplemental Material

[thumbnail of Set of Images Associated With the Resources] Other (Set of Images Associated With the Resources)
images.z03 - Supplemental Material

[thumbnail of Set of Images Associated With the Resources] Other (Set of Images Associated With the Resources)
images.z04 - Supplemental Material

[thumbnail of Set of Images Associated With the Resources] Other (Set of Images Associated With the Resources)
images.z05 - Supplemental Material

[thumbnail of Set of Images Associated With the Resources] Other (Set of Images Associated With the Resources)
images.z06 - Supplemental Material

[thumbnail of Set of Images Associated With the Resources] Other (Set of Images Associated With the Resources)
images.z07 - Supplemental Material

[thumbnail of Set of Images Associated With the Resources] Other (Set of Images Associated With the Resources)
images.z08 - Supplemental Material

[thumbnail of Set of Images Associated With the Resources] Other (Set of Images Associated With the Resources)
images.z09 - Supplemental Material

[thumbnail of Set of Images Associated With the Resources] Other (Set of Images Associated With the Resources)
images.zip - Supplemental Material


DOI: 10.5282/ubm/data.136

This dataset is available unter the terms of the following Creative Commons LicenseCC BY-NC-SA 4.0


ARTigo is a platform that uses crowdsourcing to gather annotations (tags) on works of art (see http://www.artigo.org/). The dataset is compromised of 54.497 objects, which are associated with 18.492 artists (11.519 of which are either anonymous or unknown), 295.343 German-, French-, English-language tags, and 9.669.410 taggings. It is based on a cleansed database dump dated November 15, 2018. The cleansing concerned only the metadata of the objects; tags and taggings are provided „as is“. A current but uncleansed version of the data is available via a RESTful API at: http://www.artigo.org/api.html. The data is licensed under Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 4.0. If you are unsure whether your project is a commercial use, please contact us at: hubertus.kohle@lmu.de.

Uncontrolled Keywords

Game With a Purpose, Social Tagging, Digital Humanities, Digital Art History




Bry, François; Schefels, Clemens; Schemainda, Corina (2018): Eine qualitative Analyse der ARTigo-Annotationen. In: Kuroczyński, Piotr; Bell, Peter; Dieckmann, Lisa (Eds.): Computing Art Reader: Einführung in die digitale Kunstgeschichte, Heidelberg, S. 97–114.

Kohle, Hubertus (2012): Kunstgeschichte goes Social Media. Laien optimieren eine Bilddatenbank – mit einem digitalen Spiel. In: Aviso: Zeitschrift für Wissenschaft und Kunst in Bayern, Nr. 3.

Schneider, Stefanie; Kohle, Hubertus (2017): The Computer as Filter Machine: A Clustering Approach to Categorize Artworks Based on a Social Tagging Network. In: Artl@s, Vol. 6, Nr. 3: S. 81–89.

Wieser, Christoph; Bry, François; Bérard, Alexandre; Lagrange, Richard (2013): ARTigo: Building an Artwork Search Engine With Games and Higher-Order Latent Semantic Analysis. In: Proceedings of Disco 2013, Workshop on Human Computation and Machine Learning in Games at HComp, Palm Springs, CA, USA.

Item Type:Data
Contact Person:Kohle, Hubertus
E-Mail of Contact:hubertus.kohle at lmu.de
URL of Contact:https://www.kunstgeschichte.uni-muenchen.de/personen/professoren_innen/kohle/index.html
Subjects:History and the Arts
Mathematics, Computer Science and Statistics
Dewey Decimal Classification:000 Computers, Information and General Reference
700 Arts and recreation
700 Arts and recreation > 720 Architecture
700 Arts and recreation > 750 Paintings and paintings (museums)
700 Arts and recreation > 770 Photography and photographs
ID Code:136
Deposited By: Hubertus Kohle
Deposited On:18. Dec 2018 13:36
Last Modified:20. Mar 2023 08:55

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