# Introduction The Sumerian documents from the Basic Corpus formed the basis for a research project (funded by DFG 2004-2011) on Sumerian lexicography: 1. Bearbeitung von Rechts- und Verwaltungsurkunden für ein Sumerisches Glossar (2004-2007), DFG-Nummer SA-600/6-1 und -2 2. Bearbeitung von Lemmata für ein Sumerisches Glossar (2007-2011), DFG-Nummer SA-600/6-3 und -4 This Basic Corpus consisted of a representative selection of texts from the Presargonic to the Isin periods (ca. 2350 to 1980 BCE) from various sites. # Corpus ## Basic Corpus The Basic Corpus (marked "C") includes the following texts: ### Presargonic period: 1085 texts | Provenience | Sources | Quantity | | --- | --- | --- | | Girsu | Allotte de la Fuÿe, Documents présargoniques (= DP); F. Thureau-Dangin, Recueil de Tablettes Chaldéennes (RTC) Nr. 16-72; some legal texts | 712 texts | | Isin | „Lambert Tablet“ (Revue d'Assyriologie 73, 1 ff., C. Wilcke, ZA 86, 47-67); J. N. Postgate/P. Steinkeller, Legal and administrative texts in the Iraq Museum (= LATIM) Nr. 4–6; G.G. Hackman, Babylonian Inscriptions ... Nies (BIN) 8, Nr.34, 39; D. I. Owen, Materiali per il Vocabolario Neusumerico (MVN) 3, Nr. 13, 25, 53 | 9 texts | | Nippur | A. Westenholz, Old Sumerian and Old Akkadian Texts in Philadelphia ... (OSP) I, Nr. 14-156; A. Westenholz, Early cuneiform texts at Jena (partly Sargonic) | 335 texts | | Umma | texts copied by M. A. Powell, Hebrew Union College Annual 59, 34ff.; Briefe, LATIM 3 | 29 texts | ### Sargonic period: 778 texts Provenience | Sources | Quantity | --- | --- | --- | Adab | Z. Yang, Sargonic Texts from Adab, Appendix 2; plus 69 documents from D.D. Luckenbill, Inscriptions from Adab, OIP 14; letters | 155 Texte Isin | BIN 8, Nr. 153, 155-157, 171, 175; LATIM 46 | 7 Texte Girsu | Thureau-Dangin, RTC Nr. 77-160; Sargonic texts from ITT 2; letters; selected texts from V. Donbaz/B. Foster, STTI | 273 texts Nippur | Westenholz, OSP 2, Nr. 44-187 (includes Presargonic texs as well) | 144 texts Umma | B.R. Foster, Umma in the Sargonic Period (USP), texts copied; LATIM (auch Saĝub), MCS 9 n.252 | 109 texts Ur | UET 2 Supplement = A. Alberti/F. Pomponio, StPohl s.m. 13; A. Westenholz/G. Visicato, Kaskal 2 (2005) 55-78 | 63 texts Div. | remaining copies from LATIM | 27 texts ### Ur III-Zeit: 4410 texts Provenience | Sources | Quantity | --- | --- | --- | Girsu | H. de Genouillac, Inventaire des tablettes de Tello (ITT) 2/1; Thureau-Dangin, RTC Nr. 180-431 (hier nur Lagaš II und Ur III) | 457 texts Nippur | D.I. Owen, Neo-Sumerian Archival Texts Primarily from Nippur (NATN) | 984 texts Puzriš-Dagān | H. de Genouillac, La trouvaille de Dréhem (TrDr); L. Legrain, Le temps des rois d'Ur (TRU), copied texts; F. Thureau-Dangin, Musée du Louvre. Textes cunéiformes (TCL) 2; further selected documents | 580 texts Umma | H. de Genouillac, TCL 5; M. Sigrist, Textes économiques néo-sumériennes de l'Université de Syracuse (TENS), further selected documents | 545 texts Ur | L. Legrain, Ur Excavation Texts (UET) 3; additionally 47 documents from D. Loding, UET 9 | 1844 texts ### Isin-Zeit: 207 texts Provenience | Sources | Quantity | --- | ------- | --- | Isin | M. Van De Mieroop, BIN 10, Nr. 1-207 | 207 Texte ### Total: 6480 texts ## Parallel Corpus The "Parallel Corpus" was compiled by Fabienne Huber-Vulliet 2004-2007 with additions until 2011. It included the texts published until 2010 from the following text groups: - Presargonic documents from Girsu (24th c. BCE) - Legal documents of the Ur III period (21st c. BCE) - Letters of the Sargonic and Ur III period (23rd to 21st c. BCE) - Ur III documents from Nippur ### Total: 3945 texts. ## Complementary Corpus A complementary corpus consisted of some Fara texts and various other documents. # Format The transliterations are given in portions of some lines. The fields are as follows: Textnr. = identifier of text; Zeilennr. = section of transliterated text, Text = transliteration; Kommentar = remarks on variant readings, restorations etc.; Korrekturen = corrections after 2011 Conventions of transliterations: - transliteration in ASCII signs (sz = š shin, sy = ṣ syade, ty = ṭ tyet, g = g oder ĝ, h = ḫ, a: = ā, long a, e.g. syaba:tu) - index numbers as normal numbers (U2, U3, U4) - sign values follow the version of Attinger's list in C. Mittermayer, Altbabylonische Zeichenliste (2011) - lemmata and proper nouns are written with dots (a2.ki.ti) and are separated by a space before and after the sign to allow easy searching - prefixes and suffixes are indicated by hyphens (a2.ki.ti -ta) - {...} = determinatives, e.g. {ki} - <...> = phonetic complements - ... = all kinds of broken passages. Indications of breaks and restorations are ONLY given in the field "Kommentar", the transliteration provides the restored text or simply "..." indicating missing text - NUMBER* = sign written with round stylus - Tagging of proper nouns: {p} personal name; {fe} = field name; {} = place name, {fl} = watercourse, {te} = temple or other buildings Further identifications are related to the text number: - text marked "C" belongs to the Basic Corpus which implies constant corrections until 2017 - provenance ("Ort"): Ad = Adab, Fa = Fara, Gi = Girsu, Is = Isin, Ni = Nippur, PD = Puzrisz-Daga:n, Um = Umma, Ur = Ur - archives: mu-iti archives after Foster, US; Nippur IT = Inana Temple, Dsb = Dusabara, TNi = textiles of Ninurta temple; PD: V = Vieh (animals), SzSi = Szulgi-simti archive, Tr = treasure archive, Sch = shoe archive Ur: Hw = Handwerker - type identifies text type and material - century: 25 = Fara, 24 = Presargonic, 23 = Sargonic, 22 = Lagasz II, 21 = Ur III, 20 = Isin - date: year/month/day (00 not indicated, x not preserved); abbreviations of royal names see below - other references of text (= important editions, museum numbers) and references in secondary literature (structure: Autor, BUCH (Jahr) p.000; Autor, ZEITSCHRIFT/REIHE 00 (Jahr) p.000) ### Text types: - e = Einlieferung - e1 = mu-kux - a = Ausgabe - a1 = zi-ga - a2 = ba-zi - u = Uebernahme - u1 = szu ba-ti - u2 = i3-dab5 - u3 = kiszebx - b = Bestandsaufnahme - b1 = nigkasak - b2 = ki-bi-gi4-a - b3 = gurum2-ak - bp = pisag-dub-ba - j = juristische Texte (Aussagen usw.) - j1 = di-til-la - jk = Kauf - jd = Darlehen (Kriterien: Rückgabeklausel, Zeugen; sonst bei u1) - br = Brief - mt = "messenger texts" (einschließlich dazugehörige Opferausgaben) - lit = literarischer Text ### Commodity (in alphabetic order): - A = Arbeit - AF = Arbeit, Felder - AT = Arbeit, Transporte, Reisen - Bit = Bitumen etc. (esir2) - Bo = Boote div. - Du = Duftstoffe, auch naga (Soda), Gewürze - F = Felder - FS = Felder: Saatgut usw. - Fi = Fisch, Fischprodukte - G = Getreide - GB = Bier - GBS = „Bier und Brot“ - GM = Mehl - GS = „Speise“ = Brot (inda3) - H = Holz - HD = Dattelbäume - HO = Holz Objekte - L = Leder, Tierhäute - LO = Leder Objekte - M = Metalle - MO = Objekte aus M. - MAg = Silber - MAu = Gold - MBz = Bronze - MCu = Kupfer - MSn = Zinn - Mi = Milch(produkte) - N = Nahrungsmittel - O = Objekte, div. (zB Haushalt) - Oe = Oel, Fett - P = Person - PN = Person, namentlich - Pf = Pflanzen; Obst - PfL = Lein (gu) - PfD = Datteln (Früchte) - R = Rationen - RN = Rationen an namentl. genannte Personen - S = Schilfrohr, Binsen u. ae. - SO = Schilfrohr Objekte - St = Stein - T = Textilen - TL = Leinen (gada) - To = Ton - ToG = Tongefäße - ToT = Tontafeln - V = Vieh - VE = Equiden - VG = Großvieh - VK = Kleinvieh - VS = Schweine - VV = Vögel - VW = Wildtiere - W = Wolle - Zi = Ziegel - Zw = Zwiebeln - ZwS = Zwiebeln, Saatgut ### Object - Si. = sealed text - H. = Hülle (case) ### Abbreviations of royal names for date: - 24 - En_I = Enanatum I - Enz = Enentarzi - Lug = Lugalanda - Ukg = Urukagina - Ensz = Enszakuszanna, Daten OSP 1, p115:1)-3) = a)-c) - Lzag = Lugalzagesi, Datum OSP 1, p115:4) = a) - 23 - Srg = Sargon - Rim = Rimusz - NS = Naram-Suen - Szks = Szarkaliszarri - Akk = Akkad, König unbekannt - 22 - UrBa = Ur-BaU - Gud = Gudea - UrNg = Ur-Ningirsu - Kaku = Kaku - Lugu = Lugula - LuBa = Lu-BaU - Urga = UrGAR - UrMa = Ur-Mama - Piri = Pirigme - Namh = Nammahni - Urab = Urabba - LgII = Lagasz II, König unbekannt - Uhg = Utuhegal - 21 - UN - Sz - AS - SS - IS - 20 - IE = Iszbi-Erra - Szi = Szu-iliszu - IdD = Iddin-Dagan - IszD = Iszme-Dagan - LiE = Lipit-Esztar - UrN = Ur-Ninurta # Names The table "Names" analyses the Sumerian names of the Basic Corpus transliterated for the Sumerian Glossary Project. Author: Walther Sallaberger (2008-2020)