#################### # 01_input_data: Contains CSV files with the input data for the simulation: df_XX-stops-real_words-normal_and_fast.XXXXXXX.csv – These two files contain data frames (hence df), one variety each (wb = Western Central Bavarian, sd= Standard German/Standarddeutsch), with measurements from real words (no logatoms) with a stop consonant in the target position. Both normal and fast speech condition are included. The XXXXXXX is a Git commit identifier of the original database these measurements were taken from. For more details on these data, see Jochim & Kleber (2022, https://doi.org/10.1177/00238309221127641). abm1_(fast|normal)_log.csv – These two files contain the subset of data from the above files that were used for the simulation, including some additional, derived columns. The log in the filenames only indicates that the files also includes a certain type of logarithmic transformation that ended up not being used in the paper. average_consonant_duration.csv – This file contains a number of summary statistics derived from the above files. Jochim & Kleber (2022). Fast-Speech-Induced Hypoarticulation Does Not Considerably Affect the Diachronic Reversal of Complementary Length in Central Bavarian. Language & Speech. https://doi.org/10.1177/00238309221127641. #################### # 02_abm_code: Contains the Agent-Based Model we used in the paper. This is a copy of the code in the exact version we used. #################### # 03_logs: Contains the results of our runs of the simulation. Since the simulation is designed to contain random elements, these are not deterministically reproducible. Each of the four subdirectories corresponds to one of the contact scenarios from the paper. #################### # 04_summarised_logs: Contains the paper’s summary statistics derived from 03_logs. These can be reproduced deterministically from 03_logs (the script summarise_logs.Rmd is included), but that can be expensive in terms of required memory. #################### # 05_visualisation_scripts: Contains the R script to generate Figures 1–8 in the paper.