Bug fixes - Fixed a bug in the code transforming the Childhood Trauma Screener that caused missing values to be coded as 0 and not as NA in controls - Fixed bug in the code creating the smoking item "v1_ever_smkd" in controls that erroneously displayed all controls as having never smoked - Fixed a bug in the code creating the smoking item "v1_no_cig" that had caused former smokers to be labelled NA instead of -999 - Fixed bug in item v2/v3/v4_clin_oth_hsp_dur that caused structurally missing data to be labelled NA - Fixed bug in item v2/v3/v4_clin_sec_ill_ep_hsp_dur that caused structurally missing data to be labelled NA - Fixed bug in item v2/v3/v4_clin_sec_ill_ep_hsp that caused structurally missing data to be labelled NA - Fixed bug in item v2/v3/v4_clin_sec_ill_ep_dur that caused structurally missing data to be labelled NA - Fixed bug in item v2/v3/v4_clin_fst_ill_ep_hsp_dur that caused structurally missing data to be labelled NA - Fixed bug in item v2/v3/v4_clin_fst_ill_ep_hsp that caused structurally missing data to be labelled NA - Fixed bug in item v2/v3/v4_clin_fst_ill_ep_dur that caused structurally missing data to be labelled NA Other changes - Added a paragraph about the period of data colection in the "General Remarks" section - Remove variable "gsa_imp_id", the variable "gsa_id" contains the ID codes used both in the original gsa genotype files as well as in the imputed ones. Also modified the explanatory text of the variable. - Renamed variable descriptions of "Number of xxx drugs ever consumed", the variable names had not been properly described - Updated description of "Depression" in dsm-iv dx to "Recurrent Depression" - Two individuals that had not given a proper dx label in the last version of the dataset have been updated - Updated description of the summary medication variables (visit 1), and reformatted the paragraph - Updated description of ALDA scale - Updated description of Lexogene analysis so that is clear that only schizophrenia-spectrum individuals are included in this analysis - Corrected several incorrect visit dates that led to the calculation of incorrect ages (variables "v1_age", "v2_age", "v3_age", "v4_age"). The error introduced by this in earlier versions of the dataset is expected to be neglible. - ID section: Updated the variable "v1_smRNAome_id" and variable description: Updated the number of files and made sure that the IDs do not contailn any prefix. - ID section: Updated explanation of "gsa_id" - ID section: Updated descripton of RB1CC1 analysis (added dx) - ID section: Updated section on Proteomics analysis IDs, included dx - ID section: Added information on the sequencing analysis of the Xq28 locus - ID section: Addwd information on the epigenetics analysis in the context of the MulioBio grant (longmixr clusters)