Major changes - Added info about which data have been checked for data entry errors (General Remarks section) - Mentioned that corrections for errors in the dataset will be uploaded to the codebook repository - Added more info about controls in the general remarks section (e.g. that some controls were recruited only at two points in time) - Added a disclaimer in the analysis id section, that ids may be slightly different from the dataset - Added explanation on the number of levels in the variable v1_scid_no_suic_attmpt - Include variables on age at first, second, and third suicide attempt (v1_age_fst_suic_att, v1_age_sec_suic_att, v1_age_thr_suic_att) - Changed wording on how suicide variables were assessed - Updated the numbers of subjects in the biological analysis id section - GAF scale: Mentioned that there are spikes in the data, because many raters used values at the margin of each category - Reorganized the somatic diseases section and added info; old items have been harmonized with new items under the supervision of an MD, only new items are present in this version of the dataset. - Corrected an error in the somatic diseases: tbi had in previous versions been errorneously filled with data on Parkinson's Disease - Most individuals have now been genotyped on the GSA array, included info to the analysis id section - Changed the name of the variable gwas_id to psyc_id - smallRNAome sequencing has been performed for more individuals, updated respective analysis id section Minor changes - Added names of the raw control datasets to the General Remarks section (previously omitted) - Corrected a wrong TMT-B score - Corrected wrong date of interview in one participant in dataset - Corrected wrongly entered age (v1_age) of one participant - Corrected wrong BMI in one participant in dataset - Omitted "IQ" in explanation of MWT-B test, as the score is not an IQ quotient - ID variables are now stored as characters, not as factors anymore - Modified explanation of how long format dataset is created