1. In the dataset version 4.1, there is one individual that has a value of 576.92 in the variable "v1_bmi" (Body Mass Index). Please exclude this value from your analysis. This is a data entry error that has been fixed in the upstream phenotype database, and will be corrected in future versions of the dataset. 2. In the dataset version 4.1, there is one individual that has a value of 2 in the variable "v4_nrpsy_tmt_B_rt" (Trail-Making Test, Part B, Reaction time). This value is a data entry error. Additionally, in the same individual, there are data entry errors in the variables "v4_nrpsy_tmt_A_rt", "v4_nrpsy_tmt_A_err", and "v4_nrpsy_tmt_B_err". Please exclude the aforementioned values of this individual from your analysis. The error has been fixed in the upstream phenotype database, and will be corrected in future versions of the dataset. 3. In the dataset version 4.1, in the values of the variable "gwas_id", the characters of some ID codes that are written in lowercase (e.g. xyz), others are written in uppercase (e.g. XYZ). The genotype files contain only ID codes in uppercase. Please consider this if genotype and phenotype files are merged (e.g. use the R function toupper(), to convert all ID codes in the phenotype dataset to uppercase).